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Things needed at Asha Jyothi

Asha Jyothi began with two orphan children in June 2007 and in just four and a half years now has 573 children in its children’s programmes and 622 ladies have graduated through the various employable skills training programmes –  87% of these ladies are now employed.

Recently Asha Jyothi has started new employable skills training programmes for school dropout boys.

As Asha Jyothi continues to grow so do their needs – the Foundation has three immediate needs for their continued work:

  1. Refrigerator for New Children’s Home:  A new children’s home for ten girls in the age group 3-6 is in need of a refrigerator.  As the temperature reaches 43°C a refrigerator would make all the difference.
  2. Colour Printer for Vocational Skills Training Programme: Every year over 300 ladies are trained in various employable skills such as tailoring, beauty, spoken English and computers.  This year the aim is to train about 180 young boys in welding, plumbing and electrics.  Each course last 4 months and about 160 of these boys will graduate.  Asha Jyothi is in need of a new heavy duty colour printer to print graduation certificates.  This printing is currently done outside of the Foundation at a much higher cost to the charity.  A printer on site will save valuable funds.
  3. Water Purifier for New Children’s Home:  At the moment water has to be boiled and cooled before it is given to the children and a water purifier would be invaluable in providing safe drinking water for the children.

We would welcome any donation to help provide any or all of the equipment needed by Asha Jyothi at this point in time.

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